Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thoughts for Thursday

My daughter got her soccer pictures back from her AYSO season.  The Glow in the Dark Panthers was the team name...democracy gone a bit awry but what are you going to do?  It was her second season playing and my second season coaching her.  It was a great experience for me and I hope for her as well!  Selfishly I hope their are many more years of it yet to come!

Our Thanksgiving dinner was a delicious success.  My favorite part of the meal was, and has long been, the Truman Dixie Salad!  What's better than pomegranates and whip cream...not much! Yum!

I was completely anti Black Friday and just about everything surrounding it this year .  We were just not in the mood to fight the crowds that weekend.  How did we pass the time you ask...

playing games and shooting hoops at Chuck-e-cheese which, thankfully, was practically void of people! 

The rest of the weekend was passed with time spent at home setting up Christmas decor and working on the tree.  It was so relaxing for mom to have the kids quiet and entertained :)

Our Christmas cards arrived in the mail today.  They turned out pretty cute if I do say so myself & I'm excited to get them sent out...even more excited to see all the fun ones that come in from family and friends!

My daughter's school is having their book fair this week.  It's great to see her get excited about wanting new books to read for her and her brother!

Yes, we may have gone a tad overboard!

Finally, we have discovered a new take out place.  Tommy Thai in Mountain View.  This one's menu is sure to stay near the top of the pile.  There is something about good Thai takeout on a Thursday night that makes a tummy happy!

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