Tuesday, July 24, 2012

all you need is love

My kids are three years apart in age.  Many have told me it's "the golden number" as far as spacing children go (this is open to much debate).  But the pro's are definitely there.  You don't have more than one in diapers at a time; the oldest one was done with the terrible twos (and potty training) by the time number two came along.  And being a "big sister" was very exciting for my daughter.  She was anxious to help take care of her little brother. 

Of course the inevitable happens whether they are three years or thirteen years apart...they are going to fight.  "He's bugging me."  "She won't let me in her room."  "I didn't do it, he did."  The list goes on and on. 

But every now and then, my kids are the best of friends and their love for each other fills our whole house.  Like this morning, when my kids decided that moms bed was the perfect place to play.

It was pure bliss for their mother to behold.  I mean its not like the bed was neatly made anyway ;-)  And the way they were making each other laugh is a sound I wish I could record and playback every day of my life!  Especially the days when they are at each others throats.

I know they will go through times when they'll forget how much they love each other.  I just hope those moments are few and fleeting!  Because when they're like this...

They make each other, and their mom, so insanely happy!

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