1. the barf bag
2. the emergency preparedness card with people looking calm and pleasant as they plunge to their death
3. the Sky Mall
I chose door number 3. As I opened the Sky Mall, the first item for sale was this chair
which can be yours for the low price of $199. I decided the background was more appealing than the chair but the mental image of me in it was certainly enough to get me to flip the page...to this...
and then this...

followed by this...
and who can forget this beauty...
Really? I mean, REALLY?
I realized at this point that I was perhaps being a bit smug about my attitude towards Sky Mall and its content. After all, the last page did have this for sale...
Leaning over my shoulder at this point, my 7 year old informed me that R2 would look "awesome" in our house. That might be true, but for the same price I could buy me 10 of these...
I closed the Sky Mall & put it back, happy to leave that dilemma to the next poor mom who forgot to grab a decent magazine before boarding the plane.
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